I decided to write this article to share my experience with two dogs under the same roof. I am a big dog lover, and I currently have two Labradors living with me. It was a bit hard at first, but now my two dogs coexist in complete harmony. If you are planning to keep and educate two dogs in the same space, keep these two tips in mind so that everything goes smoothly. First of all, work more on socialization. From the first days, help your dogs communicate with each other and also with the humans in the house. Communication makes socialization much easier. It is the owner's role to socialize the two dogs in order to properly integrate them into the new home.
Then, start training as soon as possible. To begin, put them in two different beds. Educating both dogs individually and separately is essential. Each dog must have its own bowl and its own kit. Some owners make the mistake of always keeping the two dogs together. To be more successful, training should be done in two different spaces. When you take them for a walk, use a training collar for two dogs to teach them to return together. By taking these tips into account, the experience of two dogs under the same becomes very pleasant.