

Last updated on September 09, 2020.

We use cookies and similar tools (collectively, “cookies”) for the purposes described below.

Operational cookies: We use cookies to provide our services for example:

Recognize you when you log in to use our services.

Recognize you as a Prime member and offer you other personalized features and services.

Display features, products and services that may be of interest to you and include advertisements relating to our services if they relate to products and services available on

Keep track of items saved in your cart.

Prevent fraudulent activities.

Improve security.

Keep track of your preferences, such as currency and language.

We also use cookies to understand how customers use our services so that we can make improvements. For example, we use cookies to conduct research and diagnostics to improve the content, products and services of and to measure and understand the performance of our services.

Additional information

Operational cookies will remain on your browser for 13 months following your last visit to our services, except for cookies used to remember your preferences regarding personal information (such as your Advertising Preferences), which may remain on your browser for up to 5 years. Other cookies remain on your browser for 13 months following the moment you indicate your consent to their use.

You can manage cookies by visiting our Cookie Preferences page. We will apply your cookie preferences within the service on the browser from which you made your choice and any other browser from which you are logged in. If you are not logged in, we may have to ask you for your choices again.

Alternatively, your browser settings will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have a message sent to you when you receive a new cookie, how to disable and delete cookies, and when your cookies will expire.

Operational cookies will allow you to benefit from certain essential features of If you block or refuse operational cookies in your browser settings, certain features and services may not function. For example, you will not be able to add items to your shopping cart, complete your order, or use services that require you to be logged in to your account. You may have to manually adjust your preferences every time you visit one of our services.