Finally We have a dog. I knew from the start what breed and color I wanted. I quickly searched online and there was a lady nearby who had 6 puppies 2 boys and 4 girls. I wanted a boy and quickly set up an appointment for that evening. I arrived early and when we went inside the lady told us that someone who just left got 1 boy and that only the second one was left. But there was a problem with him.
"What?" I asked myself.
"There's a patch of white hair on his chest. Just like his father," she said, pointing at the father dog.
“It’s not bad…it’s a mole” DH blurted out to the instantly searching dog that came running towards us and jumping and licking constantly.
This is how I got my first dog! He is cute. I prepared everything for his arrival: a bed, toys and even a cheap anti-bark collar.