berger allemand

My love story with my German Shepherd, Lambert.

At the age of 20, I was given my first dog, which I had dreamed of for a long time. He was a one and a half year old German Shepherd named Lambert. Since that day, only one thing mattered to me : my dog! I'm not easy to live with. Sometimes I have trouble putting up with myself. For Lambert, I'm still the same person. Even when I wake up in the morning in a bad mood, Lambert looks at me with as much affection as the days when I wake up in a good mood. All he lacks is the words to tell me that in life, we must always have fun.

German shepherd

When I told this to my best friend he said to me "But he doesn't know how to talk. If he could, he would tell you that he was not happy with you". It is true that he doesn't know how to talk, but he knows how to express himself very well. He can go away in the living room or stop staring at me with his beautiful eyes. He never leaves me. He stares at me with his eyes for a long time while wagging his tail. I have always heard expressions like "He is only a dog". For me, Lambert is more than a dog. He is a friend who offers me as much unconditional love as I can return.

My first meeting with Lambert was not very reassuring. I told myself that it is impossible to train a dog of one and a half years old. I had to read books on training dogs of his breed. I ended up buying a training collar that was very useful to me.

I wanted to share my story of unconditional love for Lambert with those who, like me, understand the importance of giving and receiving love with dogs.

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