Is it safe to use training collar

Is electric shock safe for dogs?
The electric shock function is widely used in dog training. During the design process of the collar, we conducted thousands of tests to ensure that this function is completely safe to use on a dog. The electric shock from our collar is similar to the static discharge you get after rubbing your hand on a carpet and then touching a metal object.
It should be noted that electric shock is rarely used with the correct method of using the collar.

Recommended training steps:
When a dog has bad behavior:
1. Use the beep mode to alert him for the first time
2. If the dog does not react, use the vibration mode to warn him a second time.
3.In some dogs, the vibration mode may show a behavioral change. If your dog still does not react, use the electric shock function with the right level.
By following these steps, your dog should be completely responsive to the sound mode and stop his bad behavior without even resorting to the vibration mode or electric shock.